Monday, September 19, 2005

Proof that Santa was here

This post strays a little from the art of collecting just the right Santa figures for your home. When originally published in 2005, there was a web site that sold a Santa-was-here kit and this post had a link to it. It has since disappeared and so I came in today (Nov 2006) to bring it up-to-date.

When my kids were small, I could fill out forms at the local upscale department store, pay a small fee for postage, etc. and get a personalized letter sent to each one of my tots and it really did tickle them. The first time was a huge wonder; after that they watched for their mail from the North Pole.

The gimmick was that you could get indisputable proof that Santa Claus was at your house. The box contained detailed instructions which you might need to set the scene. There's a torn scrap of red velvet and a plastic "Sleigh" license that Santa apparently dropped while forcibly entering your home.

The reindeer spend their down-to-earth time snacking, and they're not very neat or greedy about it - they leave some reindeer food on your lawn. There was a parchment Thank you card that Santa was willing to leave in exchange for a snack and best of all, are you ready for this - you also got a plastic reindeer hoof and instructions for using it to leave hoofprints on your lawn.

So - even though I no longer have an invalid link to a non-existant store here anymore - you could set the scene at your house by using the description above - if you have a houseful of little ones - it might make a great photo op for Grandma.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

that really doesnt encourage my belief that santa comes to a childs house every Christmas night.

Anonymous said...

If you want scientific proof that Santa exists, read this,7348,411462,00.html

Anonymous said...

I have ben reading that exact web site. the site is they have the santa hotline where kids get phone calls from santa, letters from santa, and personalized music cds. it is all affordable, besides the look on your kids face is worth the world...

Girl said...

When I was a child in school we all received letters from the North Pole. I was thrilled, the letter contained details that most people would not know and made Santa all the more realistic, to this day I still have no idea who wrote the letter or how it was organized.