Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another Santa for collection

Lobster Santa

I found this Santa at the same place I found the 3 Santas in a previous post. The Tiki Santa and the Cookie Jar Santa sold out already, so I have to go with Lobster Santa here or maybe Santa by the pool. My home is pretty nautical, since we sail whenever the weather on Lake Michigan allows, so I'm guessing this Lobster Santa might be the final choice. I'll edit this post to get a link to the store as soon as I find it. Here it is - Click here.

I also need to get the camera out and post a pix of the Santa Coca-Cola tin I picked up the other day in a consignment shop. Perfect condition, small tin, very distinctly Coca-Cola, but in the general shape of Santa, who is pictured on the front. Overall, about 8" tall. I brought it home for a $1. I love Christmas.


goliku said...

I have a house covered with snow which I think is perfect for you, Santa. Come visit me.

Michele said...

This nautical Santa is adorable!

jane said...

That's such a unique Santa. He's so cute!

James said...


This is just a calling card to say I've read your blog (or at least a little) via BlogExlposion. I hate the fact that you can win credits to view peoples sites, and people just click right through it.

Hopefully the AdSense will help pay for your $1000 Santa. I think that's a real classy santa.

Thanks for the read,


Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of "Saint's Nicks"
by Marian Saint? Made by hand, one of
a kind, in Delhi, NY. Very sought after and collectible!!
