Pardon the immature play on words in the title, but I've been good all year, Santa, and I just couldn't resist. Our story is about a brewery in Maine that seems to have trouble with the State of Maine censoring their beer names and label art - almost an annual tradition.
The story is at MSN through this link http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15995399. The brew is called Santa's butt and the artwork on the label is Santa with his back to us, enjoying a brew. The butt is a play on industry terms, in that butt is also something to do with a keg of beer.
Cute, but no world-shaking. I fully expect to see an email circling sometime next year with the long sad story about the evil bad guys trying to destroy Christmas and a request to forward it to 8 of my favorite reindeer or my Christmas, or is that Holiday, stocking will be full of coal.